
So where did you get a picture of such neat architecture you might ask? Well leaning out the window of my car while stopped at a stoplight of course! This building was built in the mid to late 1800's I believe. This drawing took me forever! I started out by getting caught up in the drafting of it, trying to put all of the lines in and get everything just right, well the size was a bit of a problem because even with a very small pencil some of my lines were just turning into a gray mess..... so I stopped trying to be an draftswoman and went back to artist. I got the main structure roughed in and went to filling in areas with pastel. Again not sure that was the best choice because of the size, it was difficult! One color and tiny bits at a time I built the detail in all of the fretwork at the top of this beautiful building. They do not build them like this anymore! I was questioning how it would turn out until I finished the sky, then I was very happy!


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